ULI Round 3 (Selected in 2020)

Events & Dates

May 24, 2019 | Round 3 Solicitation

NASA’s Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD) announced a third opportunity for universities and their research partners to contribute toward NASA research goals. This opportunity is now closed.

June 27, 2019 | Applicant's Workshop

NASA hosted an Applicant’s Workshop to provide an opportunity for interested parties to better understand the solicitation’s intent, scope, and selection criteria.

August 27, 2019 | Step-A Proposals Due

Step-A Proposals were due.

January 29, 2020 | Step-B Proposals Due

Step-B Proposals were due.

2020 | Awards

The ARMD announced 5 selections for awards

Round 3 Awards

Real-time Weather Awareness for Enhanced Safety Assurance in UTM

PI: Jamey Jacob (Oklahoma State University)

Co-Is: Sean Bailey (University of Kentucky), Keith Brewster (University of Oklahoma, Norman), Phillip Chilson (University of Oklahoma, Norman), Carrick Detweiler (University of Nebraska, Lincoln), Brian Elbing (Oklahoma State University), Nicoletta Fala (Oklahoma State University), Imraan Faruque (Oklahoma State University), Adam Houston (University of Nebraska, Lincoln), Anders Jensen (NCAR), James Pinto (NCAR), Ryan Sobash (NCAR), Suzanne Smith (University of Kentucky), Craig Woolsey (Virginia Tech), Kraettli Epperson (Vigilant Aerospace Systems)

Topic: Real-Time System-Wide Safety Assurance

Period of Performance: 4 years, dates TBD

Link: TBD

Secure and Safe Assured Autonomy

PI: Abdollah Homaifar (North Carolina A&T State University)

Co-Is: Dan DeLaurentis (Purdue), Mark Costello (Georgia Tech), Ali Karimoddini (NC A&T), Inseok Hwang (Purdue), Dengfeng Sun (Purdue), Sam Coogan (Georgia Tech), Kyriakos G. Vamvoudakis (Georgia Tech), John Kelly (NC A&T), James Goppert (Purdue), Yahya Kamalipour (NC A&T), Shaoshuai Mou (Purdue), M. Nabil Mahmoud (NC A&T), Judy Hoffman (Georgia Tech), Ioannis A. Raptis (NC A&T), Allison Sullivan (NC A&T), James Paduano (Aurora Flight Sciences), Bruce J. Holmes (Alaka’i), Damon Jenkins (General Atomics), Neta Ezer (Northrop Grumman)

Topic: Assured Autonomy for Aviation Transformation

Period of Performance: 4 years, dates TBD

Link: TBD

Safe Aviation Autonomy with Learning-enabled Components in the Loop: from Formal Assurances to Trusted Recovery Methods

PI: Marco Pavone (Stanford University)

Co-Is: Mykel Kochenderfer (Stanford), Hamsa Balakrishnan (MIT), Frank Dellaert (Georgia Tech), Kevin Leahy (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), Meeko Oishi (University of New Mexico), Alessandro Pinto (United Technologies Research Center), Mac Schwager (Stanford), Zhao Sun (Hampton University), Claire Tomlin (UC Berkeley), Panagiotis Tsiotras (Georgia Tech)

Topic: Assured Autonomy for Aviation Transformation

Period of Performance: 4 years, dates TBD

Link: TBD

Composite Manufacturing Technologies for Aerospace Performance at Automotive Production Rates

PI: John Gillespie (University Of Delaware)

Co-Is: Shridhar Yarlagadda (University of Delaware), Dirk Heider (University of Delaware), John Geriguis (Joby Aviation), Scott Bishop (Spirit AeroSystems), David Leach (ATC Manufacturing), Patrick Mensah (Southern University)

Topic: Materials and Structures for Next-Generation Aerospace Systems

Period of Performance: 4 years, dates TBD

Link: TBD

Synthetic Design Synthesis of ‘Thermoplastic UD Tape based, Fastener-free assemblies’ for Urban Air Mobility vehicles

PI: Paul Ziehl (University of South Carolina)

Co-Is: Wout De Backer (University of South Carolina), Darun Barazanchy (University of South Carolina), Jeffrey Wiggins (University of Southern Mississippi), Eric Jankowski (Boise State University), Gurcan Comert (Benedict College), Negash Begashaw, (Benedict College), Balaji Iyangar (Benedict College)

Topic: Materials and Structures for Next-Generation Aerospace Systems

Period of Performance: 4 years, dates TBD

Link: TBD