ULI Interested Partner List (2017-2018)

For ULI, the lead (proposing) organization must be an accredited, degree-granting U.S. college or university. Partners may include other U.S. colleges and universities, U.S. companies, U.S. non-profit organizations, U.S. federally funded research and development centers (FFRDC).

To be listed as an interested lead or partner, please send electronic mail to hq-univpartnerships@mail.nasa.gov. with "ULI Partnerships" in the subject line and include the information below.

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Organization Name Organization POC POC Email Area of Research Interest Lead/Partner Signed/Re-signed up in 2018
Tuskegee University Heshmat A. Aglan, Ph.D., P.E. aglan@tuskegee.edu

Lightweight composite materials, Processing, and characterization of thin films, Corrosion and erosion resistant coatings, Failure Analysis, additive manufacturing and reverse engineering.

Jackson State University

Richard A. Aló, Ph.D

richard.a.alo@jsums.edu Unmanned aircraft systems/controls,  Critical infrastructures defense/protection, Innovations at Nexus of Food Energy and Water, cybersecurity (intrusion/ detection, offensive/defensive), Big Data Analytics, Visual Analytics, Visualization, Modeling /Simulation, Decision Support Systems/Tools (machine and deep learning, AI), nano materials, high performance computing. Lead/Partner Y
University of Alabama Ajay K Agrawal aagrawal@eng.ua.edu Clean, fuel-flexible, and efficient combustion systems for propulsion and power generation Lead/Partner  
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Phil Ansell ansell1@illinois.edu Subsonic and transonic aerodynamics, unsteady flows, active flow control, high-lift aerodynamics, propulsion-airframe interaction, hybrid-electric propulsion systems, distributed propulsion, dynamic stall, aircraft performance Partner  

University of Michigan

Ella M. Atkins ematkins@umich.edu Autonomy (mission-level, flight planning, authority management), Aviation Safety, Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Concepts of Operation, UTM (UAS Traffic Management) Lead/Partner  
Kansas State University Polytechnic Kurt Barnhart Kurtb@ksu.edu Unmanned aircraft systems structures and controls as well as aircraft certification Partner  
Cal Poly Pomona

Subodh Bhandari

sbhandari@cpp.edu  Increased Autonomy, Collision and Obstacle Avoidance, Path Planning, Navigation in GPS- Denied Environment, Auto Landing, UAS Traffic Management, Cyber Security and Cyber Resilience of Unmanned Aerial Systems, Command and Control of Multiple UAS, Human-Machine Interface, Human Factor Lead  
Rutgers University Onur Bilgen o.bilgen@rutgers.edu Multi-functional and smart material structures, morphing fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft structures, shape-adaptive wings and propellers, flexible and/or adaptive structures, small UAVs, fluid-structure interaction and aeroelasticity. Lead/Partner Y
Purdue University Gregory Blaisdell


Large eddy simulations (LES) of subsonic and supersonic jets for aeroacoustics, turbulence modeling of compressibility effects and vortex flows Partner  
Architecture Technology Corporation Greg Carr gcarr@atcorp.com Aviation Safety Analysis; Operations Research; Data Analysis and Visualization; UAS; Cyber-Security; Fast-time and Real-time Simulation; Development, Test and Evaluation of Air Traffic Management Concepts and Decision Support Tools Partner Y
California State Polytechnic University of Pomona Frank Chandler fochandler@cpp.edu One of the largest Aerospace departments in California and one of the largest colleges of engineering, nationally. Ranked in the top 5 best undergraduate engineering programs among public universities in the Master’s Category by U.S. News & World Report. Partner  

Stanford University

Fu-Kuo Chang

fkchang@stanford.edu Real-time System-wide safety Assurance, integrated built-in sensing-based intelligence systems for health and state-awareness, bio-inspired materials and structures for reliability and automation Lead/Partner  
University of Kansas Haiyang Chao chaohaiyang@ku.edu Autonomy (turbulence resilient control, formation flight), Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS), Gust Suppression Control, Weather Impact on UAS, Turbulence UAS Interaction Partner Y
Mosaic ATM, Inc. Andrew Churchill achurchill@mosaicatm.com Air Traffic Management; ATM Decision Support Tools; Modeling and Simulation; Airport Surface Traffic Management; Integrated Arrival Departure Scheduling; Data Science, Analytics, and Operations Research; UAS Traffic Management Partner  
University of Massachusetts John Collura collura@ecs.umass.edu N/A Lead/Partner Y
CSU Monterey Bay Robert Dahlgren, Ph.D.  rdahlgren@csumb.edu     N/A Lead/Partner Y

Boeing Research & Technology

Michael Duffy


Electric Propulsion, Transformative Vertical Lift Concepts, Distributed Electric Propulsion, Co-operative Lift, high speed VTOL, efficient VTOL aircraft, Hybrid Electric Propulsion, redundancy for safe operations, conceptual sizing for electric and hybrid electric propulsion vehicles, Adaptive control surfaces for rotorcraft

Ohio State University Gas Turbine Laboratory Mike Dunn dunn.129@osu.edu

Aeromechanics, aerodynamics,aeroperformance, heat transfer and film cooling, small core engines, UAV ingestion Partner

Elizabeth City State University (ECSU) Akbar Eslami aeslami@ecsu.edu Structure Analysis, Design Optimization, Reverse Engineering, Computer Aided Manufacturing Partner  
University of Colorado Boulder John Farnsworth john.farnsworth@colorado.edu Subsonic aerodynamics, unsteady aerodynamics, aerodynamic flow control, fluid-structure interaction, dynamic stall, stall flutter, high-lift aerodynamics, high-aspect ratio optimal wings, propulsion-airframe integration, ultra-efficient nacelles, vertical take-off and landing technologies Lead/Partner Y
Department of Aerospace Engineering; University of Maryland, College Park Prof. Imraan A. Faruque imraan@umd.edu Dynamics and control Lead/Partner  
University of Michigan  John Foster jefoster@umich.edu

Plasma-boundary layer interactions; plasma liquid interactions; electric plasma propulsion; black out mitigation; MHD and Hypersonic flight

West Virginia University Yu Gu yu.gu@mail.wvu.edu Robotics Systems and UAV Design, robot autonomy, formation flight, guidance, navigation, and control, multi-agent systems, field testing. Website: https://web.statler.wvu.edu/~irl/ Partner Y
University of Louisiana at Lafayette Dr. Andy Hollerman hollerman@louisiana.edu

Sensor Development, Luminescent Materials, Materials Science/Engineering, Distributed Sensors

Purdue University Inseok Hwang ihwang@purdue.edu Assured Autonomy (human-machine interactions/teaming, SOS analysis, distributed coordination and planning, real-time fault detection and resolution), Aviation/Aircraft Safety and Security (cyber-security, large-scale flight data analytics, sensing and fusion, guidance, and navigation), Air Traffic Management, UAS Traffic Management (UTM) Lead/Partner  
Mississippi State University Ratneshwar (Ratan) Jha rj602@msstate.edu Conceptual Design, Aerodynamics and Aeroelasticity, Composite Structures (design, modeling, manufacturing, progressive damage analysis, damage detection) Lead/Partner  
Innovative Space Technologies, llc.

Michael A. Judith


Physical Sciences/Materials 


Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Rakesh K. Kapania

rkapania@vt.edu Aerospace and Ocean Engineering,

Affiliate Professor, Engineering Science and Mechanics

University of Texas at Tyler Tahsin Khajah tkhajah@uttyler.edu

Isogeometric Analysis, Scattering, Radiation, Acoustics, Electromagnetics, Evolutionary Optimization, Shape Optimization

University of Cincinnati Prashant Khare Prashant.Khare@uc.edu Turbulent spray combustion, multiphase fluid dynamics, data analytics, applicable to propulsion and power generation systems Lead/Partner Y
Duke University

Robert Kielb

rkielb@duke.edu Propulsion, Small Core Engines, Variable Cycle Engines, Structural Dynamics, Unsteady Aerodynamics, Aeroelasticity, Aeroacoustics, Foreign Object Ingestion Lead/Partner  
AvMet Applications Mark Klopfenstein klopfenstein@avmet.com

Weather translation into operational impact and solutions for minimizing weather impact; weather-aware fast-time simulation

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Fotis Kopsaftopoulos kopsaf@rpi.edu   Intelligent self-aware aerospace systems; structural health monitoring diagnostics and prognostics; state sensing and awareness; autonomy, sustainment, reliability and safety assurance; aerospace systems in complex dynamic environments; smart materials and structures; aeroelasticity/structural dynamics and control Partner Y
RAND Corporation Kenneth Kuhn  kkuhn@rand.org

Weather impacts on aviation, air traffic flow management, UAS traffic management, UAS concepts of operations, natural disaster and hazard mitigation, climate change impacts

University of California, Davis Seongkyu Lee skulee@ucdavis.edu Aeroacoustics Partner  
University of Dayton John Leland Jleland1@udayton.edu Strong capabilities exist in the following:  Materials, structures, propulsion, electrical power, fuels (conventional and alternative), combustion, life analysis, modeling (thermal, fluids, stress, electrical and aero), flight loads and integration. Lead/Partner  
Western Michigan University William W. Liou William.liou@wmich.edu Biofuel and blended fuels small engine testing and impacts on engine systems and controls. Partner  

University of Texas at Arlington

Frank Lu


Innovation in Commercial Supersonic Aircraft

University of Cincinnati, College of Engineering Ou Ma  ou.ma@uc.edu Intelligent robotics, intelligent automation, UAV and UAS, multi-robot collaboration, human-robot collaboration, machine learning, advanced manufacturing Lead/Partner Y

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Reda Mankbadi


Active Noise Control, Large-Eddy Simulations, Alternative Propulsion Systems

Partner Y

Eagle Flight Research Center

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Dr. Scott Martin


Transition to Low-Carbon Propulsion (HEP) Lead  
University of South Carolina David W. Matolak matolak@sc.edu

Wireless communications for aeronautical applications, including air-ground/air-air/air-satellite/airport communications, and aeronautical navigation and surveillance applications, all for both piloted aircraft and UAS. Physical and data link layer expertise, and some networking expertise. Long-term experience with analysis, computer simulations, test & measurements, and system field trials and deployments.

Georgia Institute of Technology Dimitri Mavris dimitri.mavris@aerospace.gatech.edu Integrated, multi-disciplinary analysis and design of emerging technologies and systems Lead/Partner  
 Clark Atlanta University Eric A. Mintz, Ph.D. emintz@cau.edu

High temperature polymers and composites, composite fabrication, characterization, testing.  Thermosets and thermos plastics

University of Florida Sae Miller saem@ufl.edu Fluid Dynamics, Aeroacoustics, Turbulence, Theory, CFD Lead/Partner Y
University of Notre Dame Scott C. Morris s.morris@nd.edu Distributed propulsion Lead  
Old Dominion University Duc T. Nguyen dnguyen@odu.edu

Large-scale Computational Mechanics, Finite Element Analysis (Linear & Non-linear),Engineering Optimization Algorithms, Design Sensitivity Analysis,Parallel (Sparse, Dense) Computing Algorithms, Sparse-Dense Equation & Eigen-Solvers
Domain Decomposition Algorithms, Shortest Path (with, or without constraints) Algorithms, Efficient Airline Scheduling & Routing Algorithms

NSF MIST Center @ University of Florida Dr. Toshi Nishida  nishida@ufl.edu  Multi-functional Integrated Systems Technology (MIST), specifically smart systems for system-level aeronautic problems including but not limited to harsh environment sensors, compact EMI-immune array antennas, harsh environment memory/logic, and zero-power sensors Lead/Partner  

STEM-Time Research and Outreach Organization, LLC

N. Shontee Norman, PhD

contact@stem-time.com Data Analytics, Fluid Dynamics, Aerodynamics, Applied Flight Dynamics (Aircraft/Spacecraft), Cryogenics, Engineering Education, Classical Thermodynamics, Accessibility in STEM, Innovation Lead/Partner Y
CDF Research Corporation Dr. Paul Palies paul.palies@cfdrc.com Combustion dynamics and static stability, Premixed flames, Thermo-acoustic Noise, Combustion chemistry, Gas Turbine   Lead/Partner Y

Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Purdue University Zucrow Laboratories

Guillermo Paniagua

gpaniagua@purdue.edu Advanced hybrid propulsion, Design and optimization of compact supersonic turbo machinery, bladed and bladeless, Exploitation of Magnetohydrodynamics effects in the combustors, Integration of combustor and turbine, Air Turborockets design and optimization, Fundamental research on the starting of supersonic intakes, Active control of supersonic flows Lead/Partner  
University of Florida Maura Pedersen mcpedersen@ufl.edu All Lead/Partner  
University of Massachusetts Shannon Roberts scroberts@umass.edu N/A Lead/Partner  

University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa

Samit Roy Sroy@eng.ua.edu Multi-disciplinary Design Tools Development; Structural Lightweighting; Life Prediction N/A  
Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Aerospace Engineering Lakshmi N Sankar lsankar@ae.gatech.edu Computational fluid dynamics, helicopter and aircraft aeromechanics, icing modeling,turbofan aerodynamics Partner Y
ATAC Corporation Aditya Saraf aps@atac.com Autonomy; UAS Traffic Management; Aviation Safety; Aviation Big Data Analytics; ATM Decision Support Tools; Data Analysis and Visualization; Modeling and Simulation; ATM Benefits Assessment; ATM Concepts Development and Analysis Partner  
Auburn University

David Scarborough


Combustion in supersonic flows; alternative fuels; clean, efficient combustion; lean, premixed pre-vaporized combustion; combustion dynamics; smart fuel injectors Lead/partner  
University of Minnesota Pete Seiler seile017@umn.edu Controls, Navigation, Fault Tolerance, Unmanned Aircraft, Performance Adaptive Aeroelastic Wing, Aircraft Safety Lead/partner  
Boeing Research & Technology Ed Semmes edmund.b.semmes@boeing.com Expertise with regards operations research, air traffic management, time failure propagation/machine learning and advanced air vehicle health management. Support & Analytics arm of Boeing Research & Technology (BR&T) Partner  
George Mason University (Center for Air Transportation Systems Research) Lance Sherry lsherry@gmu.edu National Airspace System (NAS) Real-time Safety Assurance, National Airspace System (NAS) simulation, Autonomous Drone Design and Test, Flightdeck Design and Human Performance Modeling, Machine Learning & Big Data Analytics (NAS-wide, airports, aircraft) Partner  
Virginia State University

Ehsan Sheybani


Communication systems and signal processing, Big data analysis and visualization

University of Cincinnati Jing Shi jing.shi@uc.edu Additive manufacturing (process innovation, thermo-mechanical analysis, and material synthesis), machining and surface integrity, computational material science, data analytics, modeling and simulation of manufacturing processes and systems Partner  
North Carolina A&T Kunigal Shivakumar kunigal@ncat.edu Damage Tolerant Materials & Structures; Suppression of Engine Noise by Transformational Technologies Partner  
North Carolina State University Larry M. Silverberg lmsilver@ncsu.edu Advanced engineering of multi-vehicle  AUAS: multipurpose design, system-level path planning, aerial networking, sensor fusion, real-time image processing,
UAS operational system-of-systems, aerial system safety and security, technology  demonstrations, entrepreneurship.
Cleveland State University Dan Simon d.j.simon@csuohio.edu Controls, Diagnostics, Optimization, Fault Tolerance, Autonomy Lead/Partner  

Aviation Applications Program

Research Applications Laboratory

National Center for Atmospheric Research

Matthias Steiner


Weather impacts on aviation (commercial, general, unmanned aerial systems), including turbulence, convection, inflight & ground icing, ceiling & visibility, wind & wind shear; weather integration into decision support

University of Texas at Arlington Kamesh Subbarao subbarao@uta.edu Autonomy (flight planning, safe operations, trajectory operations), Aviation safety, Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), See and Avoid, Sense and Avoid, Conflict detection and resolution,  Modeling and Simulation, ATM Concepts, UTM (UAS Traffic Management), National Airspace System (NAS) Simulation (FACET), Morphing Structures, Novel Trimming Methods, Multi-Objective Optimization Methods. Partner  
The Pennsylvania State University Karen A. Thole kthole@psu.edu Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering    

The University of Texas at El Paso

Dr. Miguel Velez-Reyes

 mvelezreyes@utep.edu Sensor and Signal analytics. Application to modeling and system diagnostics    
Clarkson University  Ken Visser visser@clarkson.edu

VTOL Configurational Design, Transient Flight Analysis, and Structural Integrity and Health Monitoring

Georgia Institute of Technology Yan Wang yan.wang@me.gatech.edu Multiscale Systems Engineering, Computational Materials Design, Multidisciplinary Design Optimization, Multiscale Simulation, Simulation Based Additive Manufacturing Process Design, Big Data Analytics for Manufacturing, Uncertainty Quantification Lead/Partner  
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Robert Webster Robert-Webster@utc.edu Computational simulations of propulsion-airframe interaction (e.g., inlet-fan coupling); fan/compressor and turbine aerothermodynamics and aeromechanics; viscous, compressible flows in the subsonic, transonic, and supersonic regimes Partner  
Iowa State University Peng Wei pwei@iastate.edu Decision Support and Automation for Air Traffic Management, Airline Operations, UAS Traffic Management    
San Jose State University

Wenbin Wei, Ph.D

Wenbin.Wei@sjsu.edu Air traffic management, simulation modeling, human factors, flight operations, data analysis and analytics Lead  
North Carolina State University/National Institute of Aerospace Dr. F. G. Yuan
yuan@ncsu.edu Integrated vehicle system management, smart sensors, diagnosis/prognosis, data mining, structural health monitoring Lead/Partner  
University of Miami Dr. Gecheng Zha gzha@miami.edu

Ultra-Efficient Transonic Transports Using Flow Control   

United Technologies Aerospace Systems – Engine and Environmental Control Systems Gregory Zink Gregory.zink@utas.utc.com

Area of research interest – Fuel injectors, sprays and atomization, droplet analysis (PIV/PDPA), combustion modeling and testing, low emissions combustion systems, multipoint combustion systems, biofuel combustion, additive manufacturing of metallic components
